Anxiety is the body’s natural response to stress. Almost everyone is anxious. The building up of small stressful situations or a big event may trigger excessive anxiety. It’s normal for you to feel anxious. But extreme conditions can lead you to anxiety disorder, the feeling of fear being with you all the time.

Types of Anxiety:

Panic disorder: recurring panic attacks

Phobia: excessive fear of a specific object/situation/activity

Social anxiety disorder: fear of being judged in social situations

OC: recurring thoughts making you perform repeated activities

Separation anxiety disorder: fear of being away from loved ones

Illness anxiety disorder: cautious about your health

PTSD: anxiety following a traumatic situation

Symptoms include:

Increased heart rate

Rapid breathing


Trouble concentrating


How to approach if it is severe:

Anxiety diagnosis requires many lengthy processes of physical examinations, mental health evaluations and psychological questionnaires.

Treatments include psychotherapy and medications.

Meeting a therapist works. But if that’s not the case, then prescribed psychiatrists medication does the same. Medications include antidepressants and sedatives.

They balance brain chemistry and prevent episodes of anxiety.

Natural Remedies:

  1. Medication
  2. Healthy diet
  3. Recreational activities like exercising and yoga, avoiding intoxication and getting enough sleep.

How to behave with someone who has anxiety:

  1. Be supportive.
  2. Try to listen to them and help them participate in exciting activities.
  3. Help them improve and be proud of their progress.
  4. Reassure them of how good they’re doing. Don’t lose hope in helping them.
  5. Anxiety is a treatable condition. Don’t guilt-trip them by saying it’s all in their head.
  6. At last but not least, be patient. It’s not a fast process.


If you think you might have anxiety but it’s getting out of hand, you can reach out to professional therapists at these websites.
